Tacoma Trauma
Trauma and Acute Care Surgical Services
Serving Pierce County and the Washington State Trauma West Region
All 3 level II trauma hospitals in Pierce County are open to receive trauma patients daily, 24/7, 365 days/year.
Trauma Trust
Since 2000, Trauma Trust through its members, ensures quality trauma care is available
for our community, in our community.
Trauma Trust, a non-profit 501(c)3, is a pioneering healthcare collaboration established in 1998, strategically uniting MultiCare Health System, Virginia Mason Franciscan Health (then CHI), Madigan Army Medical Center, and Pierce County Medical Society in providing trauma care for our community.
These leaders took an innovative approach to trauma services in Pierce County.
VMFH St. Joseph Medical Center and MultiCare Tacoma General Hospital rotated trauma care every other day. This partnership enabled care teams to provide 24/7 services to community members with life-threatening injuries. Each location developed robust programs and earned independent designation.
The organization evolved over time, from professional services and management to include education, prevention, and becoming a catalyst for innovation, community engagement, and strategic collaboration.
In November 2024, Virginia Mason Franciscan Health (VMFH) and MultiCare announced the expansion of Level II trauma services in Pierce County, which are now offered at St. Joseph Medical Center and MultiCare Tacoma General Hospital, and continuing at Madigan Army Medical Center 24/7, 365 days a year to ensure timely, specialized care for life-threatening injuries in our region.
Madigan, St. Joseph Medical Center and Tacoma General Hospital are Washington State – designated Level II trauma centers providing advanced trauma, critical care and emergency general surgery services for Tacoma, the Washington State West Trauma Region and beyond.
Trauma Trust also provides trauma education for professionals and injury prevention education for the public.
Our group of surgeons and APP's provide diverse inpatient care that include: trauma and emergency general surgery, critical care and elective general surgery services
Recent Activities
Gun Violence Mitigation in Tacoma
The Tacoma Trauma team is partnering with the Tacoma Police Department to find ways to mitigate gun violence in our city. Gun violence has increased dramatically in Tacoma as it has in other major US cities. A project is underway to address this problem among the Tacoma youth. A presentation is being planned for this Spring. Details to follow.
REBOA Presentation – Dr. Roedel
(REBOA) Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta Dr. Erik Roedel, (Madigan Army Medical Center), presents to our trauma team, his experience using this minimally invasive technique to gain temporary control of life- threatening hemorrhage.
Stop The Bleed class at Pioneer Elementary School
Three Tacoma Trauma and Critical Care physician assistants who are also mothers of school-aged children, (Tiffany Crabb, Katrina Flowers-Piercy and Shelly Voigt), collaborated with Dr. Quinton Hatch of Madigan Army Medical Center to teach a “Stop The Bleed” class at a Gig Harbor elementary school. Not long after the Uvalde school shooting tragedy, we were all reminded of the need to prepare for such events. The class was enthusiastically received by the participating students and…
Link to Harborview Injury and Prevention website
This is a relatively new Harborview website covering a wide range of topics and is an excellent resource.
WA State Traumatic Brain Injury Links
New Updates Soon!
We support Pierce County's Fall Prevention Coalition
Falls Free is a Pierce County project to reduce the risk of falling among our seniors. This excellent video was produced by The Fall Prevention Coalition with Dennis Bounds narrating.